In 2018, many industries felt the industrial 4, the pace of intelligent manufacturing accelerated. The pressures that entrepreneurs feel are also increasing. Intelligent and innovation...
Manufacturing industry occupies an irreplaceable position in the national economy of our country. Since the launch of "made in China 2025", intelligent manufacturing and related industries have been developing rapidly.
Following the "toughest" environmental inspections, the tool of environmental tax will also come to an end soon. By the end of 2016 by the National People's Congress examined...
A few days after the callback, the cycle of goods and stocks rose again. In the policy of environmental protection limited bonus bonuses, the price of steel again to fierce price hikes...
For example, in the field of valve parts, the Italian brand Castel / Castrol is backed by an industry standard service level and supports the development of its customers with its high reliability, durability, superior quality and ...
Nuclear power supervision department has four competent departments to supervise nuclear power, including: China Atomic Energy Commission, the National Energy Board, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (NNSA) and the Ministry of Health.
On September 29, 2017, the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) announced that it has affirmed the preliminary injudice against industrial damage caused by the anti-dumping and countervailing duty...